Friday, May 7, 2010


I am getting interested in shino's again. I haven't used any for several years, but I'm going to give them a go after getting some tips at a workshop. In the studio we have Malcolm Davis carbon trap shino and it occasionally carbon traps, but most of the time it just turns out orange. I'm now trying to spray one type of shino on greenware, bisque fire it and then spray another shino with a sprinkling of wood ash. The cup below is a result of this technique. I also tried a glaze called crab claw shino. It mostly turned out orange, but you can get some nice carbon trapping if you sprinkle wood ash on top.

1 comment:

  1. I really like these. My 2 cents re Shino. I've found that Malcolm's (and Red Shino) really only carbon trap where fairly thick. I see red/orange where fairly thin, tan crackle where thicker, and finally carbon trap where thickest (also with crackle). Obviously "thickest" is relative. I've sprayed between about 1/32nd and 1/16th inch with the carbon trapping at the high end. If you're interested, I'll send a link to a couple of pics... I've seen similar results with brushed Penn State Shino (going to spray that one next time around to see if that works better) - only carbon traps where it's fairly thick.
