Sunday, May 2, 2010

16 Hands

I went this weekend on the 16 Hands studio tour. Its a group of mostly potters and a woodworker and they have two studio tours each year. Most of the studios are about forty five minutes to an hour away from where I live. I didn't go to all studios, but I did make it to three studios. I stopped first at Silvie Granitelli studio and she had a large crowd. Next was Ellen Shankin. I always liked her pots, especially the ash glaze ones. The last stop was Stacy Snyders. I have never been to her studio before and I wanted to go since Gay Smith was showing with her. This was a good way to finish the day. I have always admired Gay Smith pots. As soon as I came in the door they greeted me and told me to pick up the pots. Gay recoginized how I was handling the pots and she commented that I must be a potter because the way I was handling the pots, checking the foot and how the lids fit. I was impress with Snyders work. I don't use decals in my work, but I like what she was doing. I bought two mugs, one from each to add to my collection. Tomorrow is the big glazing day and then the firing on Tuesday.

Stacy Snyder

Gay Smith

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